what's new

Additions & Modifications & Changes

Sep 2010
atex5 is released - it has a revision to the variable properties routine that permits the air properties to match the CHMT textbook and the recommended fluid property routine for air is kfluid = 13
Sep 2010
minor formatting changes to the output files - new first line that identifies the TEXSTAN version and date of creation , for example "TEXSTAN(academic) - Sept 2010 - atex5"
Nov 2009
the modeling section moved to occur after the overview section
July 2009
website www.texstan.com is now being hosted by On-Rev, a part of Runtime Revolution Ltd. - located in Edinburgh, Scotland
Runtime Revolution is the creator of application-building cross-platform software that is being used to transform TEXSTAN into an interactive teaching tool for on-line access rather than downloading
May 2008
a users section is being added to website www.texstan.com - it is password protected and it belongs only to the professors, students, and researchers that use CHMT. If you feel you should have access to it, please see thanks & links for contact information regarding login.
May 2008
website www.texstan.com is released - this site can be used for downloads of compiled TEXSTAN and benchmark datasets
May 2007
website development begins - to support TEXSTAN
publication of our graduate-level textbook Convective Heat and Mass Transfer (currently 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2005, by William M. Kays, Michael E. Crawford, and Bernhard Weigand), and referred to throughout this website as CHMT. Contained within this fourth edition is a much stronger emphasis on TEXSTAN and appendixes that present explanation of the teaching code, the benchmark datasets, and an inventory of all datasets available in support of TEXSTAN
September 2004
compiled TEXSTAN and benchmark datasets made available for download from the ftp server at The University of Texas at Austin

website updated Sept 2010   © 1996-2010 Michael E. Crawford - all rights reserved - website validated for CSS 2.1 and XHTML 1.0 strict at www.w3.org